Tuesday 19 August 2008

Justice Will Prevail

I felt sad when i heard that a dictator was being bid farewell in the form of a 'guard of honour'. I felt a dash of anguish to see that the elected government did nothing to stop that act. I feel grief to see that there are signs of him getting away with everything he did. I feel dismayed at realizing that he might not have to face any accountability.

Musharraf must be prosecuted in the court of law for at least these two things if not more. First, for being responsible for hundreds and thousands of missing citizens of Pakistan, also known as 'missing persons'. Second, for the massacre of thousands of innocents (men, women and children) in Lal Masjid in July 2007.

I am also not sure about the justice system in our worldly courts. But i am sure that it will prevail in the court of Allah.

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