Thursday, 13 January 2005

Doing Donkey's Work it's either a load of donkey's work for me or absolutely no work (there aren't even any flies around here which I can kill during the no-work period). I am calling the so-called "work" as donkey's work because that's what it is. No offense to the people who do this kind of work, but this is just not MY piece of cake.

It’s been more than a month in this job and I have not seen a single line of code. Ok well I have "seen" code but not written a single line of it. Even my ASP 3 book, which I brought from home in the beginning, is gathering dust.

So what exactly is "donkey's work"? What have I been doing all this time? Well I have been making User Guides and Test Plans (Have made no less than three versions of each document.) And I have been testing web applications at random, without a test plan to follow, and logging the errors. Sometimes I even feel that I am doing the testing and error-logging thing on voluntary basis as otherwise I would have more time at my hands to kill.

Ok so I am not happy at my job. I am bored to death. Etc etc. So who isn't? I guess there are just a handful of people who really love their work. I wish I were one of them. I really do. Because sitting idle, trying to kill time, getting bored OR typing hard at the keyboard to feed the hungry MS Word documents is also not my piece of cake. ;-)

PS: Many of you reading this might disagree with my definition of "donkey's work". That was just with reference to my own experiences. You can tell me your own version too. :-)


Anonymous said...

lol i know what you mean. some things don't turn out the way you want them to and it really sux if you get into a career path that you end up not liking. i guess not all decisions in life are reversible eh...gotta live with them. the reason why i like visiting your blog is coz it's from a person living in pakistan. i don't know much about the life of people there really, and im kinda tired with all the news about it being a hard place to live in. new perspectives...just my thing :D

Monazza Talha said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Neha. :-)

Well you are right. There are some decisions which we can't change and have to learn to live with. But i also believe that all decisions are bendable if not reversable. So i can try and bend a decision to such an extent where even if i have to live with it, i can at least do it with a smile on my face. :-) What do you think?