Friday 22 April 2005

Sun Burnt Hand

There were three consecutive days of driving from my home to Islamabad and back. And that resulted in a tanned hand. Mine, off course. ;-)

The colour of my right hand is now a much darker shade than the left one. And there is a light coloured band on my wrist that marks the existence of my wristwatch. ;-)

Now only the right hand got roasted and not the left one. Well for one because the car is a right-hand drive. And secondly the blazing sun is always on my right in the mornings when I am driving to work.

I did use the sun-block lotion (ok one of those three days I didn't) but it didn't work either. Now I guess I can either wait till the 'true' colour of my hand returns, or use "Fair and Lovely" on it instead. LOL ;-)

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