Sunday, 20 May 2012

My Writing Spree Progress

(Actually written on May 18, 2012)

I was highly charged and motivated to start “writing” again on May 16, 2012 after reading the article about Stephen King. The progress that day was lovely. I didn’t reach my 2000 word limit for that day but I was happy with everything that I wrote. I was so excited that ideas were automatically flowing into my mind. It was actually hard keeping track of all of them.

Then the next day there was dead silence. By dead I mean DEAD. I didn’t write a word (off course except for the office work I did). Perhaps things were not totally dead as some ideas still tried to jolt me and move me to write. I even tried doing it but could not succeed due to the busy schedule.

Today I forced myself to open a word processor file and start typing something. I didn’t want the tiny spark to die out before getting lit up to full swing. So here I am, writing gibberish. But I am loving it! *wink*


maryam said...

lol! i have been through this.. hope you won't be as lazy as i am! :)

Monazza Talha said...

I am trying not to be lazy. But even after trying so hard (ok not sooo hard *wink*) laziness still creeps in :-D
