Saturday, 19 May 2012

My Writing Spree

 (Actually written on May 16, 2012)

Many months (or perhaps a year) ago, I read an article “Write Like Stephen King: 10 Ways to Write 2,000 Words a Day”. I was amazed to see that Stephen King could write so much in one day. The article was wonderfully written too. After reading it I was highly motivated to follow in the footsteps. I made a plan and started off doing my bundles of words regularly per day. Unfortunately I could not keep up with the routine and was off track only after a few days.

Yesterday I recalled that article once again. I looked it up on the Internet, read it and got fresh motivation from it. After reading it I again made a plan to write regularly even if I could not reach the 2000 words limit.

So here I am on my writing spree, writing away on my laptop. The good thing for me is that I even have an idea or two in mind on which I plan to write. It seems to be a good start. I only hope that it persists for a significant amount of time.

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