Wednesday, 4 January 2012

How to Make the Alphabet Soup!

After the raging success of "Alphabet Soup" amongst the masses, the "chef" decided to let everybody in on the recipe. It is pretty easy to make and there is no chance of error. Do as follows:

1. Acquire a document with extension as ".doc". 

2. Open this document using "KWord". 

3. Do a "Save As" and save the document with a different name. 

4. Make sure the newly saved file has extension as ".odt". 

5. Close the file and re-open in "LibreOffice Writer". The text would look a bit widely spaced. Think that perhaps this re-created file is not compatible with this program. 

*Drum Roll*

6. Open the file (with .odt extention) again in KWord. 

Wallah! The scrumptious, visually appealing (you may chose to differ from this opinion *wink*) Alphabet Soup would be ready. Consume it at your own pace and enjoy!

Disclaimer: If you feel the need to pull out your hair, break the computer, bang your head against the wall or do anything outrageous after seeing the "soup", this blogger cannot be held responsible. :-P


Monazza Talha said...

In case anybody does not know, KWord and LibreOffice Writer are open office word processing applications. :-)


Vivek said...

tw thought KWord was the soup editor by Knoor and LibreOffice had something to do with NachoLibre, after Jack Black got a desk job

** disclaimer as stated above and Monazza cannot be held responsible