Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Eid ul Azha 2008: Eid Day

Today was Eid ul Azha. It was a holiday from work but otherwise a really busy day. It started off with my waking up and having 'dodh savayyan' in the breakfast. Then we all got ready to go to my grandmother's place. When we reached there, the goats were already slaughtered and the butcher was making final pieces out of the meat. This was a setback for me as i had missed seeing the whole 'qurbani' activity that i had been doing all my life. I did manage to capture one of the 'siri' (goat's head) on my camera.

After that it was a hopping ride from one relatives' place to another's. We hopped three times, had goodies to eat there apart from the regular chit chat, and then headed back to my grandmother's house. There after having dinner i felt so sleepy that i dosed off on the bed, wrapped in my father's shawl. Thank God the shawl was warm, otherwise i would have turned into an icicle. ;-)

I was waken up 20 minutes later to tell me that it was time to leave. I jumped out of bed and tried opening my eyes. Only when i succeeded, i moved towards the car to drive it. On our way back we stopped over at an Aunt's place.

with my mother. I got my sister in the passenger seat and sped towards the From there we set out to reach home. My father left the place a couple of minutes earlier, alongdestination. Without realising it much, i got into a race with my dad. :-D hehe Going here, zig-zaging there and finding my way through the little river of vehicles, i reached home first. And my dad didn't even try to win. I wonder if he had tried, would that have been a tough competition.

I relaxed for a while and played a bit on the Internet. While i was doing do my eldest Aunt arrived with her family. They stayed for a while and left. After that we also got ready to reach my Uncle's place for dinner. It was as usual fun to have almost the whole extended family together under one roof.

Food was great. The company was good too. And i also got the desired motivation from my guitarist cousin to do the same. I just wish the motivation lasts a long time.

Now we are home. I am in front of the PC. I am dead tired and sleepy but i had to turn on the PC and "login". So i did that. Now i guess i better run off before my sleepy head bangs on the keyboard.

Hope you all had a great Eid day too. May you see many more fulfilling, wonderful and blessed Eids. :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy Eid :)

I thought you gona post some pics and as usual your traditional laziness didn't disappoint me.

Post them damn it ... :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Eid :)

I thought you gona post some pics and as usual your traditional laziness didn't disappoint me.

Post them damn it ... :)

Monazza Talha said...

You were so disappointed by my 'traditional laziness' that you posted your comment twice. :-D Hahaha!


Monazza Talha said...

PS: Me and my pictures are in a hap-hazard situation. I am organizing (read trying hard to organize) stuff. A friend is helping with the labeling/adding text, where ever i need it on the pictures. Will start of with a regular photo stream soon. Wish me luck!

And God save my pal! *giggles* :-)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck :)

Btw it wasn't me ...it was this crappy blogger. Broke in the middle of posting. :D

Monazza Talha said...

Ya whatever! ;-) hehe