I heard it only on Saturday morning but Gakhar Plaza was on fire since the previous night on Friday. The news channels said that one of the shops caught fire due to short circuiting and from there the fire spread. The fire brigades were there, trying to extinguish the fire, but their efforts were not paying off much. The fire was continuously spreading.
At that time i was thinking that why are these fire brigades not able to extinguish the fire. The Gakhar plaza was not even as tall as Mariott (the hotel that recently got burned down in Islamabad). It only had around 5 floors. Then why was the water not reaching the burning areas? The fire men were trying their best, but then why were they not successfull?
I kept wondering and waiting for more news to show up on news channels.
PS: I thanked God that no casualties were reported till that time.
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