Saturday, 15 November 2008

To The Movies and Back

Tonight i went to Cinepax with my sister to (finally) see The Dark Knight. We had been postponing our trip due to one reason or the other. Today we got a chance and availed it. ;-) We reached there in the nick of time, and managed to get the tickets, get security clearence (checking of purse), reach the screen hall and seat ourselves almost on time. Taking eatables inside is not allowed there, even if it is something as tiny as a toffee or a bubble gum. But i managed to sneak not one but four bubble gums inside. Two in my mouth and two in the pocket of my jacket. ;-)

All through the movie i kept chewing the gum and making big (and bigger) bubbles. Every few bubbles i would nudge my sister and show her my master piece in the dark. I was making bubbles much bigger than a tennis ball (and smaller than a football), which was fun. There was this huge bubble i made and it burst really quickly. That was not the only thing it did. It actually burst all over my face and even my glasses came into the line of fire. I quickly removed the gum from my face but it took me a good few minutes to remove all traces from my glasses. :-D hehe And then, much to the disgust of my sister, i put the whole thing in my mouth again and continuted with the bubbles. ;-)

The movie was not so bad either. And i was having fun making bubbles. So the overall experience was good. I ad fun. I have already chosen the next oen to see at Cinepax. >:-) *evil/mischievous laugh*


Anonymous said...

ewwww ... whole gum back in ur mouth ... OMG u r so disgusting ... eww... :))) ... I might hve done the same ... hahahahahaha

Btw I watched this movie like 3-4 months back ... and it sux. Never liked it.

Which is the next one you gona watch ? *wink* *wink*

Monazza Talha said...

Yeah tell me about it @ i being disgusting. The gum kept sticking to my face and i kept putting it back in my mouth. I hope i made my immune system a notch stronger by doing this instead of catching a disease.

I didn't like the movie as a whole but i did like the Joker and Batman individually. I also loved the action sequence where Batman captures a guy in Hong Kong and a plane takes them away from the building.

The one movie i have my eyes on is 'Madagascar 2'. It is a cartoon movie, due to be released in December. I am patiently waiting. :-D

Anonymous said...

I watched this movie the day it was released. A huge crowed was there, but after the movie I saw mostly people disappointed. So yea whatever ... pathetic American heros.

Are you talking about 'Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa'. Its already been released. I can even see the show times on google in my zip area.

Ok so can you convince me to spend my hard earned 10$ on this movie ???

Monazza Talha said...

Yup i am talking about 'Madagascar: Escape to Africa 2'. I didn't know it was released already. But anyways it will be released in Cinepax in December so still waiting.

Well if it was King Fu Panda we were talking about, i would not only have convinced you, but would have forced you to watch it on gunpoint if i had to. ;-)

But for 'Madagascar' i would only say that if you saw part 1 then you HAVE to see part 2. just to see how Foosa is doing, if not for anything else.

10$ seems like a 'huge' amount to spend on a cartoon movie, if you are not really truly religiously into these. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I did watch Kung Fu Panda in theater ... It was fun ... I kinda liked it :D

I haven't watched the first one for Madagascar ... but I'll read few reviews about it before spending my $10 and plus time. I really hate it when whole movie is crappy and seems like a total waste of time.

and yea ... where are the pictures haan !! ... *SMACK*

Monazza Talha said...

I watched Kung Fu Panda in the cinema with friends. We started laughing the minute it started and kept on doing it till the credits showed up. It was fun!

Yup when you pay good money to see a movie and it comes out to be 'not so good' then you do feel like looted.

I, for one, never really go for the reviews. If i have to see a movie i will and if i don't want to then no review can make me. ;-) Have a 'pick and choose' world of my own.

Happy watching 'Madagascar 2'!


Anonymous said...

Watched Madagascar in my local AMC. Absolutely hilarious. Though crowed was mostly parents and children, but whatever :D

Two thumbs up. You should go and watch it with you friends. You gona love it.

Monazza Talha said...

Crowds on such movies are like that. Makes you wonder if the parents and the children are wondering at your existence there. ;-)

Good that you watched the movie, other wise you would have missed out. Yup i have full plans to go see it in the theater as soon as it is released.

Ya i already know i'll love it as i am a BIG FAN of animated stuff. :-D
