Saturday, 22 November 2008

Not Good Enough!

I wonder how impatient can a human being be. And how moody and how greedy. It's like nothing is good enough after a while.

I used to get 2 at most 3 hits on my blog in a day. That was enough for a while but then i wanted more. I started getting 10-12 hits per average in a day. That made me happy, but now even that is not good enough. I want more. I used to write on just one blog. I wanted to do more. Now i am contributing to three (and not even doing a marvelous job) but i want to extend distribution of my typed text to farther and wider areas of the www. (Talk about greed!)

I was happy with my salary when i joined my company. But then one day i found myself a part of a race and that salary was no more good enough. I wanted more and since then every year i have been wanting more and more and MORE! Will there be an end to it? I'm afraid not. I not only want more salary, but more different kinds of work/tasks too. And the work has to be interesting as well as challenging. (I am saying this as if it is not my boss who has hired me but vice versa and have appointed him to 'dazzle' me from time to time with a variety of work! Talk about wishes!)

I was a happy and content girl, busy with my routine life. But then i got corrupted and what i had didn't seem enough. I started wanting more of everything (even without actually striving for it). And i am still on that band wagon of 'not good enough' and 'i want more'. (I just sounded like Princess Ariel from the Disney animation The Little Mermaid *giggles*).

Well i think it is a good thing to want better in life. But one must never get stuck in the infinite loop of 'wanting more'. As they say, one should stop from time to time and smell the roses (maybe even photograph them). It would be exhilarating experience. :-)


Anonymous said...


Monazza Talha said...

Nice piece of code there! I tried dry-running it but got nothing but 'pain'.


Anonymous said...

Now this one is better piece for code. Isn't it :D

if(Satisfaction == false)
Enjoyment ++;