I was home the whole day. Worked on some pending tasks. Also kept hovering around Facebook, Orkut, Blogger, sitemeter, Islamabad Metblogs, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Gmail and not to forget the messengers. I kind of lazed around all day. Just a little while ago, so late at night, something deep inside me said with an air of sadness, "Alas, one full day of the weekend is over. Now just one more day left and have to go to the office after that." Thinking that 1 out of the 2 days of weekend was over, cast a blanket of gloom all over me.
But then something pulled that gloom blanket and shoved it away. It was nothing other than a realisation that none of the 2 days of my weekend were lost. I suddenly remembered that today was Friday and I had taken the day off. So i could consider this day as an added bonus for my weekend. Woo hoo! This thought has made me so happy thay have even forgotten the spellings of 'gloom'. :-) hehe
Such simple joys make life rich. At least they make mine rich. May i never forget to notice and enjoy the joys of small, simple things happening around me in life. :-)
Life is simple ... we over complicate it.
Aren't we just dumb asses :D
We sure are! :-)
Thanks for agreeing :P
It was a twist of fate that both of us agreed on something. Don't thank me. Thank thy stars! :-)
Hi5 :D
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