Thursday, 30 October 2008

Trance News: Eidee Stuff

I bagged a lot of eidee. >:-) heh heh heeee I felt like a pirate (lady pirate?) who had found a big pile of loot hidden in a treasure chest. And the treasure chest now belonged to her. The pirate didn't even have to fight for it as everybody just handed it over without any hue or cry. Arrrrr!

Well the eidee episode did not end here. This time i not only grabbed the loot from others but distributed a part of wealth amongst the young ones as well. I had already done that in office the day before. On Eid day, i bestowed this pleasure on family, that included my sisters & my cousins. I was actually the oldest one around so ALL the little kids deserved a share in my loot (some of the "little kids" being in their twenties ;-) hehe). I hope they were content with the share they were given. Maybe next year i can raise the eidee rate a bit. ;-)


Monazza Talha said...

I know its quite late, but if somebody wants to claim eidee from me, they can. Who knows, i might turn generous and fulfill the claim. ;-)

Anonymous said...

*Beating eyelashes smiley*

Do I really have to say it ? *blush*

Monazza Talha said...

hahaha! Well yes if somebody is not paying up you have to ask. Not only ask but cling till the end till the person is defeated. ;-)

*hmm i am giving out secrets for my own destruction! :-)*