Thursday, 30 October 2008

Trance News: Last Roza of Ramzan 2008

On September 30, 2008 (Tuesday) we had the 29th rooza. Till evening there was an air of mystery that whether it is going to be the last one or do we have one more after it. We waited till the aftari time. Right after breaking our fast we all (at home) ran outside to try to spot the crescent. We tried hard to see the moon. Searched high and low on the sky. Looked without glasses and with them. But to no avail. We couldn't spot anything that looked even remotely like a crescent.

We gave up and came inside. Then we tied our hopes with the idiot box. We knew that sooner or later the news would be announced by the Rooat e Hilal. At first they announced a negative of no Eid. But then some time later when everybody has absorbed the shock, they shocked yet again by announcing Eid for the next day.

And that is how the holy month of Ramzan of year 2008 came to an end. :-D hehe

1 comment:

Monazza Talha said...

Ya i know i have written a similar post just a few posts ago. See what the time away from the net does to a blogger gal. ;-) hehe