Thursday, 25 September 2008

Phenomenal Sitemeter Stats

When i reached office in the morning i did the same ritual i do every day. Turned on my PC, as soon as it was on i ran Firefox. Opened in a tab, opened Yahoo Mail in another and Gmail in another. Then i logged in on my e-mail accounts and returned to the Sitemeter tab. When i did so i couldn't believe my eyes. Usually in the morning i see 4-5 hits on my blog. Sometimes 7-8 but rarely in double figures. But today the hits stats were phenominal. I saw 89 hits, and that was only 9:00 am in the morning.

I was completely baffled and didn't have a clue to as to how it could have happened. I am not a world famous person and i don't write extraordinary stuff. Then howcome my blog was an instant hit overnight and attracted so many visitors. I tried looking at details of my blog visitors. I checked randomly. I found only one thing common in all. They all were Blogger users and had been referred to my blog from the 'Navigation Bar' displayed at the top of all blogger blogs.

I wonder if i was a 'celebrity of the day' for a day or was my blog featured in 'Blogs of Note'. Better still, was my blog URL somehow stuck in the Navigation Bar code and didn't direct users to any other random blog but mine. :-D

This is still a mystery for me. I haven't figured it out yet. But seeing such amazing stats was truely breathtaking. I wish i may reach this level gradually on my own and get genuine readers for my blog.

Here is the screenshot of the Sitemeter screen showing the latest hits:

Phenomenal Sitemeter Stats

I think i will keep looking at this image for a number of days, just to feel the thrill again & again. The thrill that I felt on seeing a similar number today in the morning on my stats page. :-)

I wonder what tomorrow's stats hold for me. ;-) hehe


Kashif said...

Congratulations to have a number of visits on your site.

Actually i have added your blog URL on my blog site under Blogs section and that's why my readers thought to have a look at your website as well.

Thanks to me:)

Anway whatever happened, its good to have so many hits. May you get more in future and that's too regularly. Ameen


Monazza Talha said...

Yes thanks to you too but i think something more supreme happened and directed a huge traffic to my blog ;-)

I am usually happy with 10 or so hits a day. But if i can occasionally get a 100 in a day, that would be simply wonderful.

Monazza :-)