Sunday, 14 September 2008

Birthday 2008

On September 13, 2008 i celebrated my birthday. It did not turn out to be a blast as i was expecting it to be, but it was ok. I got birthday wishes from all 4 members of my immediate family, and i was content with this handful. The rest of the wishes i received were like icing on my cake. Was glad to get them too. :-)

I had planned to do a lot of things on that day. And i wanted to do everything right. The reason for these plans was maybe to make myself believe that if things go right that day, the rest of the year would be the same. How superstitious of me! But then it was just a passing thought because i did not devote myself to do everything on my list. That day went by like any other ordinary day. And i felt like i do on any other ordinary day.

When i reflected back on my life that i have spent so far (as i do on every birthday), i once again could not see significant achievements. I am the kind of person who finds joy in small things and then i am the person who couldn't find even a tiny significant achievement in the past life. Instead, i found lots of mistakes, shortcomings and a couple of regrets. Not finding achievements is not so very good. But finding the bads has it's advantages. It can enable me to work on correcting my mistakes and to do damage control if at all possible.

Nobody is allowed to believe that i am an ungrateful person or that i am not thankful to Allah for all that i have got. I truly am. But maybe i have set my standards and aims a little bit too high. Maybe i need to learn to aim for less & achieve it than to aim for high & achieve only a part of it.

One thing i realize with each passing year is that time stops for nobody and keeps going on and on. Reflecting on the past is useful to some extent but "now" is the time to live in. As Master Oogway rightly said to Po in Kung Fu Panda:

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift
That is why it is called 'present'

I hope to keep this in mind and live my life accordingly from now on. Happy Birthday to me once again! May i have a wonderful life ahead! May Allah shower His blessings on me (and you all too) always! :-)


Kashif said...

Happy Birthday!

May you have a great future ahead full of happiness and joys.Ameen.

I will be having my birthday on 15th of Oct Inshallah and will be turned to 29. I do feel old while thinking of touching 30 very soon Insha Allah:)

And as you wrote thinking that we haven't achieved much in the past but i do review if i have hurt anybody in my past year(s).

The time is flying:)

As i have slogon on my blog website "Live a passion" so i beleive in that and it could be small achievement like by making anybody happy.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :D

Living in this age is by itself an achievement. Plus past is past. Learn from it and move on.

So where is cake ???

Monazza Talha said...


Thanks for the birthday wishes! Yes i am coming to realize this more and more that its the small achievements, like making people happy or helping somebody, that count more than the ones on which you get certificates. :-)


Thanks for the birthday wishes! Yes true that living in this age is an achievement in itself. And i am trying to learn from the past. Wish i had kept a log on that. Cake thing is put on hold till after Ramzan. When i get a piece, you will get one too.