Tuesday, 24 May 2005

A Lesson Learnt

I am coming to believe strongly in the fact that the lessons learned the hard way are never forgotten. They do leave a bad taste in the mind at the time of learning though. But I guess it's worth it since once learnt the lesson pays off forever.

I am learning several small such lessons at work.

The one I learnt today is that never overlook even a tiny thing when testing a software. Test every teensy weensy inch of it. And no matter how "Experienced" the developer is, and no matter how confident she/he looks, never take that as a guarantee that her/his code will not be buggy.

I learnt the hard way. Well it was not that "hard". The boss simply pointed out the bug in a launched project and raised a question "who tested this?". The fingers could be pointed to no one else but me.

I felt confused at the question. I could not believe that I could miss such a big error. I tried to recall the events that took place when that feature was introduced in the application. My mind returned a NULL value.

But I won't let that happen again, hopefully. I am going to be meaner and stricter (some might give a tag crazier). After all I have my own back to save. ;-)


Vivek said...

95% bug free code = shipable :p ask Micro$oft

Monazza Talha said...

I guess everybody is following in the footsteps of Microsoft in this regard. ;-)

But the boss seldom lets you off the hook if a bug is discovered in front of a client while he was giving a presentation. ;-) heheheee

Vivek said...

When Win 98 crashed in front of a crowd while unveiling it .. bill gates said , "....thats why we arent shipping it yet."