Friday, 27 May 2005

No New Messages

Every day when I come to the office and open MS Outlook (configured with my company email server), I find at least one new email there. Its bold black subject indicating the freshness, stimulating me to take a bite.

But today when I opened my email program, there was nothing there for me. I clicked the "Send/Receive" button a hundred times, in hope that maybe a big fat message might be choking in the communication lines and would slip in easily if I did that. But all in vain.

There was no email and there was no email.

It makes me kind of sad to see an empty mailbox. Whether it is my company email box or my personal email box, the sight of "No New Messages" just makes my heart sink. I guess I am too addicted to the Internet and emails. :-S

Do you think it's bad?

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