Orkut Gone Bonkers!
Orkut has gone completely "Bonkers" today. It is not working at all. The bad server error keeps creeping up. Its not letting me post on a community forum (i have littereally tried 50 times). It is displaying one of my community with deleted forums. You name it, it's happening here.
I wonder if a day would come when i would be able to go to Orkut, do whatever i like and not see the sight of this dreaded error message for the whole duration of my session.
When will it turn good!
asp.net and SQL server as the back end lol what else can u expect :-p
microsoft != large volumes of traffic
implementation = MS cluster
I guess you are right. But the more i try to trust and defend Microsoft technologies the more stupid errors it shows me. :-P LOL
I wonder if one day it will all be perfect.
with micro$oft,
perfect = 90% bug free , they then release a SP For the remaining 10% , which fixes 7% and introcuces 25% new bugs ... ad infinitum until 3 SPs later they release a new version :p
Thats how micro$oft works can't blame them , if it werent for their development environments I would have to seek alterbative sources of income... probably a verrrrry grrrrrumpy marrrrrketing grrrrruy
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