Wednesday, 20 April 2005

Embarrassed By An MSN Nick

Well it might seem really funny and strange that how can one get embarrassed by an MSN nick. But tell you what, it can happen. It happened to me so can happen to you too.

I myself am a person who keeps changing the nicks almost every day. And gladly provide the small background tale to whosoever asks me about it. And when my friends change theirs I ask them too, about the background of their nick.

Now sometimes it happens that people choose nicks adorned with swear words. :-P No problem with me as everybody is free to do whatever they like. And no problem if nobody is looking at my PC screen. But such a nick can be the cause of extreme embarrassment if a colleague of yours is standing right beside you, showing you something on your PC and spots a tiny window popping at the bottom right of the screen flashing the 'hideous' nick.

It happened to me once. And I dealt with it by completely ignoring it in front of my colleague. I pretended that I was so engrossed in what he was telling me that I didn't notice anything. And finally to spare myself from more embarrassment, I blocked that ID. :-P Now no matter what nick that pal of mine chooses, it will not be flashed at my screen.

No more embarrassment! Unless, some other 'pal' of mine starts fancying swear words and starts throwing then in the MSN nicks. :-S Somebody spare me!!

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