Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Am I a Blasphemer?

All that being said in the previous post, I am now moved to think if opposing this ruling (and that too so vocally) makes me a Blasphemer. I was one of those people who did not believe in the boycotting/banning of Facebook previously. Now I am part of the clan that objects on a similar ruling on banning of another set of web sites. So does it mean I am not “Muslim” enough? Do I not love my Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) enough? Am I some kind of a “Murtid” or “Mushrik”? Am I an “ultra modern” person, just born to Muslim parents, who doesn’t care much for religion? What am I?

If believing in tactically handling delicate matters instead of irrationally or violently, then yes I am a blasphemer. If considering actually doing what our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) actually said more important than unnecessary discussions and unruly processions, then yes I am a blasphemer. If having faith in peace than in violence, then yes I am a blasphemer. And I am proud to be one.

May Allah show all Muslims the light; the right path; and rid them of all darkness; the ignorance.


Anonymous said...

If muslims were smart enough to know how to handle these issues, then we wouldn't be going through all that we are going through. Shows you the IQ of the courts :)

Having said that, so many well-known and respect ullama are still using facebook. Common sense does not prevail

Monazza Talha said...

I didn't quite get your last point. About the ulema using Facebook, do you think it's "good" or "bad"?
