Writing as blog after ages feels like meeting a relative or acquaintance after a long time. It also feels like the first day at school (not to mention collage and/or university) or at a new job. It feels like entering a huge expensive store; knowing you have only this much money in the purse which you wouldn’t be using to buy anything in there any way; with a fear that somebody might guess you are just window shopping and throw you out. It’s like meeting someone for the first time and making friends.
When I come back to my blog to make a contribution after a really long time (months even weeks), the levels of apprehension are really high in myself. I wonder if I would be able to take things from where I left off. Would I be able to write something worth writing or would just “doodle” silly stuff. Not that I don’t like doodling, but doing it all the time doesn’t seem right at times. *Doodle Alert*
I keep checking my site stats regularly to see if I had any visitors or none at all. But coming back always makes me wonder if any old visitors would still be there or not. It’s always a nice thrilling feeling to be back (even if it is for a day before the next long pause). Except that some tiny fears tag along too. I am not sure if anyone else would share the same feelings or would even remotely understand what I mean. But I had to say what I had to say, so I did. Have a nice day everyone! :-)
Now that facebook is gone, with a possibility of never coming back, it might be a good idea to stay in touch with your blog :)
not everything (or everyone) shows up in the site stats!
@Anonymius #1:
Yeah my thoughts exactly! :-)
@Anonymous #2:
Well yeah true. Everything and everyone doesn't show up in the stats. But about you i can tell that you looked up my name on Google and came to my blog from there. Correct? :-)
wrong :P i have an RSS reader for my favorite blogs. when there is an update, it shows in the reader and i read it from there....rarely visiting the actual blog website
Ho hai! My analysis misfired! :-O Good thing you read the newest posts even if those are through an RSS reader. :-)
yep. RSS rocks. I can use it to view flickr images from my fav users despite the stupid ban in PK
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