Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Cooking Blues - Boiling Chick Peas

Cooking may come naturally to some people (so I think), but I surely am not one of them. No matter how confident I feel while entering the kitchen, the results are not always over the top. Sometimes even the trivial task of making an omelet turns out to be a disaster (but off course only when I am improvising). A few days ago I took up the task to boil some chick peas. I had taken instructions from my mother, but I was still a bit apprehensive about the outcome. To most of you this may seem like the basic of the basic “cooking” task, but for me it was something bigger.

So I set out in the morning by soaking the chick peas in water. Then I went to office. By the time I returned home, in the evening, the chick peas were soft and had swollen nicely. I even chewed a few, just to be sure and was pleased of what went into my mouth.

Then I drained their water, put them in the cooker and poured some fresh water over them. After sprinkling a big pinch (ok maybe a bit more) of salt on them, I tightened the lid and waited for the pressure inside the cooker to be built.

After about 10 minutes, the weights on the cooker started swaying. I knew things were going right so far. I set an alarm for 30 minutes and went to watch some TV. When the 30 minutes were over, I turned off the stove from under the cooker. Oh did I forget to mention I actually turned the stove on too. Had I not done it, only a miracle would have made the cooker weights sway. *giggles*

I left the cooker there, removed the weights and let all the steam escape through the top holes. When I was sure that all the steam was out, I opened the lid. There they were; the nicely boiled chick peas that were just the right amount of tender. I hastily filled a big bowl of those and heartily feasted on them. Any lost confidence of mine in the realm of cooking was replenished with that meal. I am happy and thinking what to “cook” next.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Moon on Earth Originally uploaded by Monazza Talha

I've not had an encounter with a real onion for quite some time now. But i came across this one about 10 days ago. It's an onion made of light. Does it look like an onion to you? Do tell! :-D

PS: I made this onion myself and took a photograph with long exposure. If you need the "recipe", do go to the picture link on Flickr.

Big Red Heart

The title of this picture is "{ I Have a BIG Heart to LOVE }". I thought i do have one such big heart and titled it so. I wonder if this is just my illusion or i really do have a big heart. The way i am snapping at small stuff lately is making me think otherwise. I am reflecting at my actions and the size of my heart now. I hope i come up with a positive result.

PS: I took this photo myself with a long exposure of the camera. If you wanna know the details of its "recipe", do go to the picture link on Flickr to find out.

Happy reading and photographing! :-)

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Jashn e Azadi Mubarik - August 2010

Fern: Shades of Green Originally uploaded by Monazza Talha

I would like to wish all my country people a very happy Independence Day. Would also like to thank Allah for bestowing such a gift as of "azadi" on us. I pray that may this country and its inhabitants be blessed by Allah as we are all in dire need of blessings.

May we have the strength to face all the troubles, and the courage to help others in the time of need. May these troubles vanish from the face of our country soon.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Helping Hands

Helping Hands Originally uploaded by Monazza Talha

On July 28, 2010, an Air Blue passenger plane crashed on the Margalla Hills in Islamabad, claiming 152 lives of all personnel on board. This number includes the flight crew. The plane was flying from Karachi to Islamabad. Though many speculations are in the air, the exact cause of this crash is still not known.

The picture shows one of the rescue helicopters, flying away from the crash site the same evening.

More Photos:
You can see photos of the crash in my friend xtremeracingzone's photostream.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Am I a Blasphemer?

All that being said in the previous post, I am now moved to think if opposing this ruling (and that too so vocally) makes me a Blasphemer. I was one of those people who did not believe in the boycotting/banning of Facebook previously. Now I am part of the clan that objects on a similar ruling on banning of another set of web sites. So does it mean I am not “Muslim” enough? Do I not love my Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) enough? Am I some kind of a “Murtid” or “Mushrik”? Am I an “ultra modern” person, just born to Muslim parents, who doesn’t care much for religion? What am I?

If believing in tactically handling delicate matters instead of irrationally or violently, then yes I am a blasphemer. If considering actually doing what our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) actually said more important than unnecessary discussions and unruly processions, then yes I am a blasphemer. If having faith in peace than in violence, then yes I am a blasphemer. And I am proud to be one.

May Allah show all Muslims the light; the right path; and rid them of all darkness; the ignorance.

Lahore High Court Gone Bonkers

I think the Lahore High Court has gone bonkers!

On May19, 2010 they issued a ruling to block Facebook and 800 additional sites; the reason being display of blasphemous content by these web sites. That time the ruling was strictly adhered to (within a few days) and the sites were blocked. Some from those 800 blocked sites were Twitter, YouTube and Flickr too. Soon after being banned, the sites started to get unbanned till the final bone of contention; Facebook; was unbanned too in about two weeks time.

Now they have again passed an equally ridiculous ruling (almost a month after the initial absurd ruling, on June 25, 2010) to block the following nine web sites:
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • MSN
  • Hotmail
  • Bing
  • YouTube
  • Amazon
  • Islam Exposed
  • In The Name Of Allah
If you look at the list closely, you will see that most of this list comprises of search engines. An internet savvy person would instantly know what a search engine is and how important it is for the Internet users. However, I am seriously doubting the knowledge of the judges of LHC of this term. I am also pretty sure (now) that none of them ever logged on the World Wide Web.

They say that these sites are promoting blasphemous content. If this is true then why not ban the whole Internet in the country. People can after all access ANY kind of content even with sites banned. And while they are at it, why not ban the TV too as it is not all holy. Let’s spread the madness and confine all Pakistanis to their homes. The world is after all a dirty place and displays/promotes blasphemous content in some nook and corner.

Let’s all go bonkers! I know I will definitely join the club if any more sites are banned in the country in the name of Islam and the love for our prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Monday, 31 May 2010

Miss You Nani Pyari :-)

Yesterday was the 8th death anniversary of my maternal grandmother, my “Nani Pyari”. I have never seen a more loving, caring and giving soul than her. She was a such a wonderful person whose goodness cannot be described in words. Anybody and everybody who knew her says that she was such a wonderful lady, passionate about everything in life and most of all a truly courageous woman.

Yes she was courageous. Widowed in her mid 30s with five children to take care off, she never lost hope and kept going. She not only managed to educate her children well but got them settled in life in also. She did fairly well, I would say. She was a lady that was always taken care of and pampered by my grandfather. She did not have to work or had any financial burdens while my grandfather was alive. But when he went on his final abode, Nani was left to deal with the world on her own. And she fought well.

I remember my Nani Pyari to be the most loving person on earth. Every holidays we all would be dying to go meet her and stay with her. She would treat us with stories, yummy tit bits and lots of love. Sometimes I used to sleep in her room at night. And every morning I woke up, I found a little treat beside my pillow. Sometimes it was a toffee, sometimes a chocolate, but no matter what the treat was, it always used to be scrumptious.

Nani Pyari was fond of cooking and used to cook delicious, finger licking food. I loved her cooking. Maybe she put in all the love she had into the food that made it so great.

She was an over all fun loving person and never stopped anyone from having some too. She used to watch movies and go out on outings with the family, and there never was a moment of boredom when she was around. When we used to go to Murree, she would march right along us. When we used to go to Chattar (long before the park got “developed”) she used to get in the water with alongside all of us. The first time I went to my favourite Chinese restaurant, Chung Pa (Bank Road, Rawalpindi), it was with Nani Pyari. She loved the bollywood movie “Hum Aap Kay Hain Kaun” and probably had watched it more than a hundred times.

She was a calm person and I had rarely seen her angry. She might have scolded us a couple of times but never spanked anybody. She did get a bit cranky in her last years but that was only due to the pain of illness she was enduring. She had suffered a “stroke” a few years earlier and it was taking its toll. And one fine day she left us all in this world for the journey to the hereafter, to meet “Ihsaan Jannati” (as she used to call him), her loving husband, my Nana Jan.

I could keep on talking about her and trying to praise the grace she had and to pay homage to the type of person she was, but I wouldn’t be doing her any justice. Her goodness is unexplainable beyond words. I am not sure if I learnt too many lessons from her or from her life but I will always remember a few things, that are never to lose hope and keep striving for what you want, keep enjoying life, continue doing good deeds of all kinds and spread love. I wish i had the same passion in me, towards everything and everyone, that she used to have.

May her soul rest in peace and Allah’s blessings always be showered on her. Ameen.

PS: My mother is her mother’s daughter. I just wish I can rise to that level to be truly my mother’s daughters, and my Nani’s “Nawasi”.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Coming Back to the Blog After a Long Time is Like.....

Writing as blog after ages feels like meeting a relative or acquaintance after a long time. It also feels like the first day at school (not to mention collage and/or university) or at a new job. It feels like entering a huge expensive store; knowing you have only this much money in the purse which you wouldn’t be using to buy anything in there any way; with a fear that somebody might guess you are just window shopping and throw you out. It’s like meeting someone for the first time and making friends.

When I come back to my blog to make a contribution after a really long time (months even weeks), the levels of apprehension are really high in myself. I wonder if I would be able to take things from where I left off. Would I be able to write something worth writing or would just “doodle” silly stuff. Not that I don’t like doodling, but doing it all the time doesn’t seem right at times. *Doodle Alert*

I keep checking my site stats regularly to see if I had any visitors or none at all. But coming back always makes me wonder if any old visitors would still be there or not. It’s always a nice thrilling feeling to be back (even if it is for a day before the next long pause). Except that some tiny fears tag along too. I am not sure if anyone else would share the same feelings or would even remotely understand what I mean. But I had to say what I had to say, so I did. Have a nice day everyone! :-)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

The Moon

The Moon Originally uploaded by Monazza Talha

I wish I had two returns tickets to the moon and someone to share that other ticket with. :-) *giggles*

PS: This photo was taken by me about a week or so ago. Hope you like what you see.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

May the Light Never Fade Away

Some days are not as bright as the others. Different elements cloud the brain, thought and perspective. It becomes easy to get lost and lose the way in such a situation. But there is always a tiny light at the end of the dark tunnel that keeps things lighted enough for the sight beyond all this. The light may be the ray of hope for betterment or the shining silver lining amongst the dark clouds. It may be the warmth of love or the tenderness of care. Whatever this light may be for someone, I pray that may it never fade away for anyone.