Monday, 28 December 2009

Year 2009 Coming to an End

The year 2009 is about to end in a few days. When it started I had no idea that it would pass so quickly. But just as the previous years, it did.

I have had years that held some misfortunes for me (and in which I was the cause of misfortune for others). But each time, by the grace of Allah Almighty I had recovered fabulously (and perhaps so did my victims). This year didn’t serve up any major setbacks. It was pretty calm on the calamity side. On the other hand, it did bring to me some wonderful things. And for each and every blessing of Allah I am thankful from the depths of my heart. Really. :-)

I made new friends, learnt new stuff at work, got a year older and stepped into a new decade of my life. All this is little stuff, but come to thing of it, it is the real great stuff. Big things seldom happen and rarely matter so much as the little everyday stuff.

Since this is the end of the year, I am once again motivated to ponder over the past happenings of this year. Would be looking to find out what good did I do and what bad; did I achieve anything or was the year completely fruitless; did I do anything new or was the whole year a repetition of a monotonous routine. Endless questions are popping up like bubbles on a bubble wrap sheet, waiting to be popped.

This is a dangerous exercise as I usually always end up with all the negative answers. I would conclude that the year was good as a whole but there were no significant achievements or good deeds. There were no misfortunes per se but there were no landmarks or significant endeavors either. Sometimes it seems like a useless exercise that apparently brings less joy than apprehension.

But it is not completely futile. It does bring one great thing to me and that is the will and pledge to do better in the next year. Even if I feel that I have not achieved much, I still always have the hope that I will do it in the coming time, in the next year. I fully understand that death is inevitable and nobody knows when it will come. Still, moving on to the next calendar year draws a lot of positive energy.

Right now I am just praying that may Allah enable me to use this positive energy positively to achieve something positive. :-)

PS: I never ever do it, but I wonder if I should come up with a list of New Year resolutions this year. *wink*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year , Xmas , and Holidays. With the current situation in Pakistan, you survived one whole year, I think it is an achievement by itself.

I don't plan too much in future, so my next year resolution will be to stay happy and stay alive.

Peace :)