Tuesday, 5 August 2008

4th Anniversary: mykahani.blogspot.com

I know I forgot to celebrate on the exact day but then better late than never. Let's start with some history. July 15, 2004 was the day this blog was born. That was the day I stepped into the realm of blogging and made my very first post. Since then the frequency of postings has been deviating but there has never been a moment when I thought of quitting. My blog showcases the good times I have had as well as some bad kinks of my life. It has always been a pal and has always empowered me with the power of expression and free speech. Many people would not even understand the joys my blog has brought to me (and I am in no mood to explain).

Here I also need to mention all the readers who have been reading the blog regularly and/or off and on. Without their reading contribution it would have been harder getting here so easily. The blog does empower the writer but it is the reader who empowers a blog.

This year on July 15, 2008, my blog had its 4th anniversary. I hope that my blog and I can grow together over the next numerous moments in time, till the day I depart from this world. I know I would leave sooner as it is impossible for me to image the death of all blogger servers. ;-)

May we have a wonderful time ahead as we have had so far on the journey upon which we have embarked hand in hand. May we find many a friends on our way to cherish. :-)


Anonymous said...

Deserves a cake with 4 candles on it :)

Here you go...


Monazza Talha said...

Thanks for the cake. :-)

Kashif said...


Monazza Talha said...

Thanks Kashif.