Friday, 18 July 2008

The Ferocious Bug

A couple of days ago I was driving home from office. The roads did not seem to be as crowded as usual. There was a cool breeze outside. It was a nice drive. It was a nice drive …………. till I spotted a vicious bug. And that bug was “inside” the car. Thank God I did not freeze in my tracks or I might have wrecked havoc on the road.

Well that bug was a wasp. It was strolling merrily on the rear wind screen of my car. I had not noticed it earlier. But when its merriment went out of control and it started going across the screen, I noticed. I was scared that what if it flew all the way to the front. *gulp*

Since the time I spotted the highly dangerous bug till I reached home, I looked more frequently into the rear view mirror. And while looking I paid little or no attention to the cars behind me. My eyes were fixed on the wasp. It moved from here to there and there to here. The times it was out of sight were the scariest. At every such instant I would think that what if it is flying inside the car and approaching my “juicy” self. What if it has reached near the paddles and ready to take a “bite”? I did not want to be “stabbed” anywhere, not at all.

I remained safe the whole journey. The wasp was on my mind and in my sight the whole time. The minute I reached home and stopped the car, my first mission was to get rid of the flying ferocious insect. If I let it snuggle in there, it could have stung my sister the next day, when she took the car. How could I let that happen? I couldn’t.

The silly wasp was still on the rear wind screen. I opened the boot door at the back. It still remained pinned to the glass. I took some papers out of my file and with those I pushed the wasp off the wind screen. I guess it was sleepy as it didn't rebound and flew back to me to take revenge. After throwing it out I made sure that the coast was clear and then I moved towards the stairs of my apartment.

Phew! That was a close call! At least for me it was. ;-)

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