Sunday, 6 April 2008

Letting Go

Letting go isn't easy. Not easy at all. Rather it is damn difficult. But i guess i have to. Especially when i tried hard clinging to it and it still managed to slip away. But what can i do, i can't do it. Can sombody help? :'(


Kashif said...


Hope my message finds you in best of health and Imaan.

Your recent blogs show that you are very sad and hurt as well:(

YEs sometimes its not easy to let things go but have to. But we always should beleive in Allah (SWT).

Best for now.

Anonymous said...

Identifying the fault is the key. So congrats u'r half way through. :)

U'r blog shows u r not a loser anyways, so i hope u'll make it all the way.

As they say, 'When going gets tough, tough gets going' ;)

Monazza Talha said...


Yes i am upset to the highest degrees. Was not going to actually put this up on my blog but that was the only way to release my tension at the time. And yes i totally agree that believing in Allah helps always.


Thanks for thinking of me as a non-loser person, though in reality maybe i am kind of one. :-) Have always loved this track by Billy Ocean. This punch line sort of makes it 'fun' to face the 'tough', be the 'tough' and deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Disappointment comes when we measure every thing in life with same yard stick. Life is more of a spaghetti shaped. So u might hve to measure and judge each inch of it differently.

Some one once told me that 'Life is like a box of chocolate, You never know what u gona get' :)

Btw letting go is just not difficult, but is impossible. The more u'll run from it, more it will come after u. So just embrace it, learn from it, and move no. Some things in life are not just worth forgetting.

Monazza Talha said...

Thanks for the good advice. What you are saying is absolutely true. And letting go is impossible. Its a sticky situation were NOT letting go is equally troublesome. I guess time can be the healer, or at least it will help in letting the 'residue' settle.
