Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Allama Iqbal's Mausoleum

The first thing I recognized after going through the door was the mausoleum of Allama Iqbal. The building was very small and simple. But the elegance shone through the simplicity of it. Some guards were guarding the door, bringing out the grandeur of the mausoleum.

We all went inside, after taking off the shoes outside, to say ‘fatiha’. It was indeed a great experience, standing at the tomb of our great poet, Iqbal.

Allama Iqbal's Mausoleum (Landscape View)

Allama Iqbal's Mausoleum (Portrait View)

PS: When we came out, luckily we found our shoes intact, otherwise those unguarded pairs could have been stolen.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be great if u could hve left u'r shoes over there and bring Iqbal with u home :))

Monazza Talha said...

That would have been absolutely wonderful! It could have given me a chance to ask the meanings and ideas behind many of his poems and verses. Next time i will try that. :-D