Sunday, 6 January 2008

How Futuristic Should We Be?

I was wondering that how good it is to be futuristic. And to what extent should we be futuristic. Should we take up the little things that are going on in our lives and build big stories upon those to get a glimpse of the future? Even if we do that, should we always be scared of the unforeseen and build up a story that portrays the future as going from bad to worse?

I have no answers to these questions of mine. But I know that I have done this in my life. On some occasions I thought so much of the future that I scared myself. And due to that scary imagination, I decided not to tread those paths any further.

I also know that when this kind of behavior is shown to me, I despise it, especially when it is related directly to me. This might indicate that I have double standards; that I choose one thing for myself and something else for the other person. That is why I am confessing that I do this.

I still don’t know if one should be so futuristic about stuff. I also don’t understand this feeling and the tendency to drift away from the present only to picture a darker picture of the future. But whatever it is, it is excruciatingly scary. I have lost people in the past on these grounds. I wish I would not lose any more.

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