Sunday, 11 November 2007

Butterfly Wants Wings

As cowardly as I have been lately, I am looking for ways to escape instead of looking for solutions. Maybe I want to escape as I cannot think of any solution. People have tried to help and advise but I cannot seem to convince myself on their suggestions. Maybe I do not want their solutions. The result of all this is a total chaos in my mind. And the chaos is not only in my mind, but in my life as well. And not only in my life, but in the lives of my near dear ones as well (which I regret immensely).

I wish if only I could be removed from this equation, things would not remain so bad. I wish this butterfly had wings and it could fly away, taking all the sorrow and pain away from everybody.


Kashif said...

Assalam-o-alaiukum Monazza,

I hope my comment finds you in best of health and Imaan though you are looking bit upset.

Well its good that you always thought and tried to be strong person and most of the time you succeeded in that.

I beleive that a lot of your loved ones and friends have given you good solutions so i can just pray for you that Allah (SWT) guide you and support you through all ups and down of life. Ameen

Life is a long journey and there are always times when we have to make difficult decisions.

As last night suddenly i had a difficult sitaution and i was unable to find any appropriate solution and then i said prayer and start reading Quraan and beleive me whilre reading the Quraan i got the solution.

As Allah (SWT) can only open new ways and solution which our mind could never think of.

So keep smiling and leave everything upto Allah (SWT) making your honest moves.

And just imagine that you got wings and flying like a butterfly.

Best for now.

Monazza Talha said...

Walaikum Assalam Kashif,

Thanks for your comments. Ups and downs are a part of life. It is just that sometimes you are maybe not in the mood to handle stuff and want to run away. ;-)

I am doing exactly what you have suggested. Trying to keep faith in ALlah as well as my near and dear ones. Taking steps that i feel can make the situation better.

Catch ya later.

Monazza :-)