Monday, 8 January 2007

That Motivating Search

After a really long time I logged on to to see the traffic details on my blog. There was this entry at the bottom of the page that caught my eye.

The rest of the entries showed that people have viewed a single page on my blog for 0.00 seconds, which means they didn't actually stay on my blog. But this entry showed that the person had actually seen 7 pages on my blog and had stayed on it for 13 whole minutes. *WOW*

I probed the entry further. I was surprised to see that someone had actually looked up my name along with the name of my company in google. And that search had redirected that person to my blog. :-D

Whatever this whole thing was, it was very refreshing for me. It motivated me to keep blogging, without fail. It made me very happy inside as well. I felt happy because it made me realise that there are people out there who want to stay in touch in some way or at least want to know what's going on in my life. The other thing that made me happy was the fact that google can actually find me. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Assalam-Alaikum Monazza :)

Hope u fine?? I am fine here
guess today I did the same searched ur blog in google & opened it & love to read it..
Itz a long time since I talked wid ya..
guess who am I ook lemme give u a hint..itz something related to still there

OOk gtg take care

Reading ur blog dunno when it get banned.


Monazza Talha said...

Walaikum Assalam Anita :-D

How are you doing? I am fine. And yes it's been a long time since we last talked. Sorry about that. So i guess i have guessed right, right? ;-) You tell me.

Catch ya later,
Allah Hafiz

Anonymous said...


Yes you are absolutely right

Take care, have fun
