I am back and have lots to tell, but this "limited" time is restraining me to do so. But I will defeat it shortly, I am sure. ;-)
I am so addicted to blogging that even when I don't have an Internet connection I still blog, on Notepad. [I later copy the stuff to my online blog.]
Even the absence of a PC cannot stop me from blogging. I still blog and on a notepad too. But this notepad is a tangible one and not the Windows' one. ;-)
While I was away to Lahore, on my friend's wedding, there came a few hours when I was all alone. Nobody was there to give me company. So in that time I blogged. I was afraid I was going to devour my notepad completely, then and there. But I managed to save a couple of its leaves. [Actually around 1/3 of the notepad ;-)]
It's a longer task to transfer blog material from a paper notepad to the online blog, but hopefully I will do that soon. Wish me luck!
I really cant understand the point as if one gets really addicted to blogging or is it some sort of human nature of the person to blog.. As , honest i sometimes get to much on blogging but after a while i just dont feel it any more to do it. I reckon i got to study more of anthropology to find the answer ...
Well Ankur, i think that all people cannot get addicted to blogging. It is the nature of the people which decides if they are going to get addicted or not.
Like there are many people who say "what can/will WE write on a blog?" when i suggest to them to make a blog. ;-) Maybe they don't understand the concept of a blog, or maybe they consider it a useless task, or maybe they get scared stiff about having to think of something to write. ;-)
I, for one, am a person who likes to connect to people (family, friends etc). I want to keep in touch to know what's happening in their lives and want to tell them all what's happeing in mine. ;-) Used to write really long emails [imagine my blog content being in emails with a litte less dramatics ;-) ] but now i dont find time for that. So blogging is an easy answer. ;-)
Also when you know that you have even a single reader of your blog, you are motivated to write more and more. :-)
Happy reading my blog as well as Anthropology!
Another wordaddict! I can't get enough of words too - I have several blogs, one which most of my friends, family etc read, one where my dream novel shows up bits and peices and so on. Sometimes, I do think I should be spending more time writing about 'serious' stuff in an attempt to further a career as a writer, but then my logic is that any writing is good writing. Writing is an art which gets better with practice. So like you, my trusty notebook travels with me. It has little poems, haiku's, sentences written backwards when I want to write something very private, plots for future novels and short stories, ideas and quotes, sentences that I hear that sound good enough to re-use..... I love pretending that I'm a good writer :)
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