Monday, 19 July 2004

Bhindi II aka The Return of The Bhindi

I talked about bhindi so much that I thought I should put everything related to it in my blog. Well the other thing is that I cooked bhindi a day or two ago. I had bought it for many days, but cooking it was actually the attempt to save it from getting rotten in the fridge. ;) [I haven't even started on my fridge bluesyet]
I cooked them. They looked fine. But they suffered the same dilemma as all my cookings suffer. That is the dilemma of 'too much'. Sometimes it is the salt that is too much, sometimes the red chilies are too much, some times I cook the stuff too much, and this time with the bhindi it was 'too much tomatoes'. So the food tasted more like tomatoes than bhindi. :P I had cooked some turnips a few days before that, and they suffered the same plight.
I really need to learn when to stop, especially with the tomatoes. ;)

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