Friday, 11 November 2011

11-11-11 and a 21

Today is an interesting day since it bears an interesting date. The date is pretty palindrome-atic. 11 is the number in the spotlight. Today is the 11th day of the 11 month of the 11th year of the 21st century! Wait a minute! Where did this 21 come from in the line of 11s? The date would have been more perfect when it came in the 11th century. Guess the date is not perfectly palindrome-atic after all. *giggles* Nonetheless, it is an interesting date and we should enjoy its interestingness while it lasts.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

I Live!

I was remembering of Mushoo from Mulan recently and also remembered his dialogue "I live!". As soon as i remembered this, i knew i had to post it. So here goes:


Yes i live and i am alive and very much present in this world. Was just absent from this blogging part of the World Wide Web. But once again thanks to all the die-hard readers who kept coming back to check up on me. Now the question is that for how long am i going to stay "alive" here before once again slipping into a "coma". *Ponders over the thought!*